"We are really blessed with a variety of good quality worship leaders, good singing and a real sense of the presence of God."
Pauline Laybourne, elder and member for seven years.

Pauline gives her testimony on the meet members page

Sunday Services

10.30 Morning Service
Crèche and children’s work
when children present

Our choir accompanies singing
at morning services
(Elwyn Jones is the conductor)

Our Music Group (joint with our Methodist
friends) leads our worship on second Sunday
of alternate months. It also leads a weekly
informal Fellowship Service at 5.30 in the Methodist Church.

1st Sunday: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Service of Prayer for Healing
(alternate months)

6.30 Evening Service last Sunday
Iona Service
(with Methodist Church)

United Services
with the Methodist Church from time to time. Christians Together in Dawlish have seasonal services (eg Advent, Ash Wednesday and Ascension) together.

Special services
To see some of our seasonal and special services click here, and for Baptisms and Weddings click here