Children and young people

Our policy

We believe that the church is the Body of Christ, made up of people of all ages. We actively welcome children at our services when children have activities suitable for their ages and there is a ‘children’s address’.

We are also committed to new forms of engaging with children, as our involvement in Messy Church shows.


Currently we do not have a Junior Church, though provision is always made for children who come. Appropriate relevant activities are available, and

Parents & Toddlers Group

With the Strand Centre we run a weekly Parents & Toddlers Group (Thursdays 10.00-12.00) which provides structured activities for children and a chance for parents to chat and support one another as well as enjoy a cup of corree at out Coffee Morning

For details emai



The youth leaders of the Methodist and URC Churches, concerned at low numbers in their Junior Churches, decided to cooperate to run a monthly after-school club on Fridays. Inspired by reports of the success of Messy Church in several local URC congregations, they decided to adopt the Messy Church format.

The pattern is that there are board games to enjoy as the children arrive. Then everyone gathers together to hear about the theme for the day, which always involves the opportunity to try various crafts around the theme for about an hour. This is followed by informal worship for 15 minutes before before parents and children sit down to a delicious hot tea which usually includes chips, and is always followed by cake and fruit.

Towards the end of 2012 there have been some problems with older children who came without any adult to help/supervise. So from March unaccompanied children are not being allowed. Parents expected to listen to the short introduction to the theme so that they know what it is about and can support their children. They are also being encouraged to join in more and do some of the activities themselves.

Messy Church meetings are held on the third Friday of each month, starting at 3.45, ending at 6.00. For further details email Marie Whitehead on phone 01626 889 098.

The dates for next Messy Churches are:

15 March
19 April
17 May
21 June
19 July

A Holiday Club will again be held on two days in August from 10.00 - 1.00, ending with lunch. Dates are still to be arranged.

The URC Youth Leader, Marie Whitehead, said "It's really exciting, with the children loving it and parents joining in. If numbers continue to grow we will need to divide into two groups."


We hold a very successful Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4 pm and a Hot Cross Bun Service on Good Friday at 4 pm. Children are encouraged to take a full part in the services which include some craft or re-enacting the biblical story. For pictures, click here.

Friendly hug at the Parents & Toddlers
Enjoying refreshments together
Craft making at Messy Church

"Is this why it's called messy church?"

"I believe that God is leading us to develop our children's work, and I'm willing to play my part in that. It's great to see Messy Church really catch on."

Marie Whitehead (teacher) (member for six years)