Week beginning 18th March 2012    Mothering Sunday

Our morning service today is led by our minister, Revd Roger Whitehead.
At the end of the service flowers will be given to all the women in the congregation to mark Mothering Sunday. Please feel free to take spare flowers to any

Reading: Mark 10:13-16

Next Sunday our service at 10.30 is led by Paul Venn-Dunn.

The Iona Service due to be held next Sunday has been cancelled.



Volunteers needed who will go through the building each day to ensure that everything is in order; it takes about 15 minutes and can be done at any time of the day. Offers to do this would be much appreciated. You can get information from Jan Adams or Roger Whitehead.

The Bible Study Group meets on Friday at 1 pm to continue its study of the prophecies of Daniel. Some people bring their lunch to eat in fellowship from around 12.40. It will next meet on 11 th May.

The Men’s Breakfast is now this Saturday (having been postponed. It is at 8.30 in Dawlish Warren and it is the monthly opportunity to have a full cooked breakfast. The speaker is Ray Hodgson, who has set up a Food Bank in Teign­mouth and will show the churches are helping. This could be particularly relevant to us.

Give blood The NHS Blood and Transplant service invites blood donors on 3 rd and 4 th April. For fuller details see the noticeboard.

Treatment of dry rot On Wednesday chemical treatment of the dry rot in the hall and boiler room will take place. Please take care if you are in the area of the hall or the stairs to it from the vestry area. It will be some time before the exposed walls can be replastered.



Monday        6.00 - 8.00  Elders Meeting #

Tuesday      1.15 - 2.30  Churches Together ministers meeting, 28 High St

Thursday   10.00 - 2.00  Coffee Morning § (with Toddlers Group; singing at 11.00)
2.30 - 3.30  Friendship Hour #

Friday        12.00 - 1.30   Christian Aid Lent lunch at Methodist Church
                   1.00 - 2.00   Bible Study Group (see above) #


Tuesday      27th   2.00   Knit and Chat Group continues to work to help orphans in Malawi.

Friday          30th 12.00   Christian Aid Lent Lunch in our hall. (This will be the last Lent lunch this year.)




We continue to pray for

Olive Carless who is much better and at home; and Eric.

Helen Humphries and Ray that the cancer will be dormant for a long time.

J who is ill and needs our prayers; pray also for R who is doing much to support her by visits and other help.

M , seriously ill with liver cancer.

Evie Hope Matheson much remembered daughter, mother and sister.

Birthdays this week: Roger Whitehead Tuesday (20th)

This week we pray for Jean Potter’s pastoral group:
John and Marie Coulthard, Maureen Edwards, Ken & Lorna Hexter, Averil Munn, David & Marilyn Rigby and Gillian Sampson.


Churches Together in Dawlish & District—Weekly prayer cycle

Sun     the Bartons, Church St and nearby roads; St Gregory’s Church

Mon    Barton and Westbank Surgeries; Dawlish Community Hospital; dental surgeries and Community health staff.

Tues   Marine Parade, Westcliff, Westcliff Rd and nearby roads; Westcliff Primary School

Wed   The Avenues and nearby roads

Thurs  Oakland Park

Fri       John Nash Drive and nearby roads; Radcliffe and Oaklands Park Schools

Sat     Fire Service; Ambulance Service; Police; Coastguards


Thought for Mothering Sunday

As truly as God is our Father,
so truly is God our Mother,
and he revealed that in everything,
and especially in these sweet words where he says:
       “I am he”; that is to say:
       “I am he, the power and goodness of fatherhood;
       I am he, the wisdom and the lovingness of motherhood;
       I am he, the light and grace which is all blessed love;
       I am he, the Trinity”

(Mother Julian of Norwich, 14 th century