Meet the Members

June Wilson
is in her seventies, but that does not prevent her from taking a daily
swim in the sea from late spring to November 2006. In NOvember 2005 she got sponsorship for the reroofing, and raised well over £600. Then, challenged with a special sponsorship of £100, she also bathed on New Year's Day. She did it again in 2008 with the church Sponsored Boxing Day Swim. See the Appeal page. If you don't believe us here is June in the sea.

This page is in the process of being created.

This page is to tell you about some of our members.




"That's £100 today!"

"It's wonderful once you're in!"












Elwyn Jones
Elwyn shows he is not only a versatile and accomplished musician, leading the congregation with organ and keyboard and doubling up as Choir Master, here he shows off his skills at drying up.












Nearly every job can be done to the Glory of God, and should be done to His Glory. We are not all called to be ministers, missionaries, doctors or nurses. Some of us are called to be miners or market gardeners, teachers or train-drivers (Ah! if only that was me), some are even called to work with computers…

The great thing is to remember that whatever you are doing, you try to do it God’s Way and you do it with prayer: and since the general theme of our Advent series is “Preparation”, I would like to share with you how this computer person prepares for the day’s work.

As some of you know, a great deal of my work involves running the Helpline that is called when things go wrong. I sit in front of a computer screen monitoring the work of nine other computers, so that as soon as they stop working, I can fix whatever is wrong and get them going again before they hold up someone else’s work. At the same time I watch a window on my screen for messages that say someone’s desk top computer is doing something strange. Then I have to phone the person and sort out the problem. Meanwhile, other people are sending me more problems by emails and phone calls.

How to prepare to face all this? The answer is obviously prayer:

I try to start the day by committing it all to Him. I ask to see the face of Jesus in every person who comes to me with a problem. I ask for Jesus to be in me for everyone with a problem, and I ask to see His people’s problems as the purpose of my job, not an interruption of it.

And everything goes smoothly that day, doesn’t it?

Of course it doesn’t! Serious error messages appear on screens, computers crash right left and centre, they report ‘major incidents to me – all the usual happenings in the world of Information Technology. BUT, and this is the big ‘but’, when I have committed it all to Him I find there are solutions to all the problems - often after a another quick prayer that goes like this: “Help me, Lord, I don’t know the answer to this one!” Help always comes in some form - an idea in my head, a helpful hint from a colleague…. At the end of the day, everyone is happy again, all systems are ‘go’, and I am not hiding under my desk hoping that it will all go away; no I am going home tired and happy knowing that I have seen the Hand of God at work, perhaps even having BEEN the hand of God for someone.

Rychard Winslade
Rychard is involved in Morris Dancing, Town Crier, sailor and motorbike enthusiast. He is also one of our Worship Group.

In one of the Advent Services when the theme was Preparation, he spoke about how he prepares for his daily job. Here is what he said:


Pauline is one of our elders, and is an ardent collection of Christian Aid Week envelopes.

At the Anniversary Service in 2008 she spoke about what the church has meant to her. Her words are reproduced with her permission.

Dear friends, when I gave my testimony last week I couldn’t carry on without breaking down. I wanted to say so much more and I couldn’t, so I have written it down.

Without your support and prayers I truly would not have made it. At the church I knew there was always someone I could turn to - not many places of worship offer such out-of-hours service.

The power of prayer is amazing. Once I started to let go and accept the Lord’s guidance, then anger and resentment left me, and slowly I felt calm and happy to accept the future without any guarantee.

Thank you Revd Ken for knowing I wasn’t strong enough to come forward for the laying on of hands in your wonderful services of Prayer and Healing. I would be sitting in that pew crying, but the service helped so much that when it was over I felt drained and yet so lifted up that I was able to face another day.

I’ve reached a better place now in my life and I know that I am going to make it.

If anyone reading this is going through a time of pain, loss or just being afraid and lonely, or who knows someone in that situation, I suggest that they come to us and with the grace of God we can help you.

Thank you all so much